Prepaid Finance Charge Credit Settings

The Encompass Compliance Service (ECS) will treat an amount submitted as a "rebate" (a fee submitted to ECS as a negative amount, paid by the borrower with the appropriate paid to party and fee mapping to cause ECS to treat the amount as a prepaid finance charge), in one of the following ways:

  • Apply rebate until Amount Financed equals the Note Amount (Default)

A fee submitted as a negative prepaid finance charge offsets a fee submitted as a positive prepaid finance charge. ECS allows this until the Calculated Federal Amount Financed equals the note amount.

ECS will not allow the sum of all fees characterized as a prepaid finance charge to go below $0.00.

  • Apply rebate even if the Amount Financed exceeds the Note Amount - For all Negative Prepaid Finance Charges

A fee submitted as a negative prepaid finance charge offsets a fee submitted as a positive prepaid finance charge. If the sum of all prepaid finance charge fees is less than $0.00, ECS allows that negative amount to increase the Calculated Federal Amount Financed above the note amount.

  • Apply rebate even if the Amount Financed exceeds the Note Amount - For Negative Prepaid Interest Only

A fee submitted as a negative prepaid finance charge offsets a fee submitted as a positive prepaid finance charge. If the sum of all prepaid finance charge fees is less than $0.00, ECS allows only negative prepaid interest fee to increase the Calculated Federal Amount Financed above the note amount.

  • Apply rebate even if the Amount Financed exceeds the Note Amount - For all Negative Prepaid Finance Charges excluding Negative Prepaid Interest

A fee submitted as a negative prepaid finance charge offsets a fee submitted as a positive prepaid finance charge. If the sum of all prepaid finance charge fees is less than $0.00, ECS allows all negative prepaid finance charge fees, except the negative prepaid interest, to increase the Calculated Federal Amount Financed above the note amount.

ECS will not allow the prepaid interest to be less than $0.00.