Work with Stacking Orders

ClosedEdit a stacking order

  1. On the Stacking Templates list, select a stacking order.

  2. Click the New icon in the Documents section.

  3. On the Update Document Stacking Template window, edit the Description and the Stacking Order list as required.

  4. Click OK.

ClosedDuplicate a stacking order

  • On the Stacking Templates list, select a stacking order, and then click the Duplicate icon.

ClosedDelete a stacking order

  1. Click a stacking order set and click the Delete icon.

  2. Click Yes in response to the confirmation message.

ClosedRename a stacking order

  1. On the Stacking Templates list, click a stacking order.

  2. Type a new name for the stacking order.

ClosedSet a default stacking order

  • On the Stacking Templates list, select a stacking order, and then click Set as Default.