Input Form Builder: Form Import/Export

Individual forms can be directly exported to the local system's hard drive as a single file (with the extension .emfrm). These forms can then be copied, emailed, or otherwise transferred to any other computer running the Form Builder. The recipient can import the form from the file and, if desired, save it to their Encompass system. Alternatively, they could simply modify the import form and export it again without ever saving it to their local Encompass system.

Note: Exporting a form exports only the form itself. Any custom field definitions or codebase assemblies used by the form are not included. To include the custom field definitions and codebase assemblies you need to export a Form Package.

To Import a Form From Outside of Your Encompass System:

  1. Log in to the Form Builder.

  2. Click the Import Form button.

    Or, on the File menu, click Import.

  3. Locate and select the desired .emfrm file, and then click Open.

Note: All Encompass forms have a .emfrm file extension.

To Export a Form Outside of Your Encompass System:

  1. Log in to the Form Builder.

  2. On the File menu, click Export.

  3. Find the desired location for the file, type a new File Name for the form, and then click Save.

    The form is saved as an .emfrm file.

    .emfrm files can be attached to an email message and sent to other recipients. However, these form files can only be opened using the Input Form Builder.