Loan Custom Fields

Use the Loan Custom Fields tool to create an unlimited number of loan fields to meet the specific requirements of your business. After you define custom fields, use the Custom Fields form (on the Forms tab) to enter the custom data for a specific loan.

Pre-Defined Custom Field IDs

There are 100 pre-defined custom field IDs, in the format "CUST99FV". You can create a description, set the maximum field length, and select a format for these fields. You cannot delete predefined field IDs.

User-Defined Custom Field IDs

You can also create an unlimited number of your own custom field IDs. These custom field IDs always begin with a CX. prefix, followed by an ID of your choice. For example, "CX.TEST.1".

Custom Calculations

You can create custom calculations for both pre-defined and user-defined field IDs. A custom calculation is an expression that returns a number or text value, which is then saved into the associated custom field.

Custom calculations can contain simple arithmetic operations, mathematical operations, text-based operations, date-based operations, values from other fields in the same loan, and branching and logical operations. For detailed information on creating custom calculations, refer to the document, Loan Custom Field Calculations. This document contains detailed instructions and examples for creating each type of custom calculation.

To Define a Custom Field:

  1. On the menu bar, click Encompass, and then click Settings.

  2. On the left panel, click Loan Setup, and then click Loan Custom Fields. ClosedDescriptions of field formats
    • Audit - Displays last-change date of user information for the specified field ID.

    • checkbox - A single character alpha field that functions as a checkbox and accepts only X.

    • DATE - A 10-character numeric field for entry of a date in the format mm/dd/yyyy. Positions 3 and 6 contain slashes.

    • DECIMAL - A 40-character numeric field allowing a maximum of 39 decimal positions in whatever position is needed at the time of data entry (such as .11111111, or 11.111, or 1111.1).  One of the 40 positions holds the decimal point.

    • DECIMAL_1 - A 40-character numeric field allowing 1 decimal position (such as 1,1111.1). One of the 40 positions holds the decimal point.

    • DECIMAL_2 - A 40-character numeric field allowing 2 decimal positions (such as 1,1111.11). One of the 40 positions holds the decimal point.

    • DECIMAL_3 - A 40-character numeric field allowing 3 decimal positions (such as 1,1111.111). One of the 40 positions holds the decimal point.

    • DECIMAL_4 - A 40-character numeric field allowing 4 decimal positions (such as 1,1111.1111). One of the 40 positions holds the decimal point.

    • DECIMAL_6 - A 40-character numeric field allowing 6 decimal positions (such as 1,1111.111111). One of the 40 positions holds the decimal point.

    • DROPDOWN - A dropdown list from which the user selects a predefined value.

    • DROPDOWN-Editable - A dropdown list that allows the user to enter text. The user can type a value or select from the list of predefined values.

    • INTEGER - A 40-character numeric field, with no decimal places.
    • MONTHDAY - A 5-character numeric field for recording a date in the format mm/dd. Position 3 contains a slash.
    • PHONE - A 17-character alpha/numeric field for recording a phone number in the format 111-111-1111 1111. Positions 4 and 8 contain dashes (-), and position 13 is a blank space.
    • SSN - An 11-character numeric field for recording a social security number. Positions 4 and 7 contain dashes.
    • STATE - A 2-character alpha field for recording a state abbreviation.
    • STRING - An alpha/numeric field used to type a series of characters. If the values are numbers, they cannot be used for calculations. A typical use of the String field type is for a street address.
    • Y/N - A single character alpha field that accepts only Y (for yes) or N (for no).
    • ZIPCODE - A 10-character numeric field for recording zip codes in the format 11111-1111. Position 6 contains a dash (-).
  3. Double-click to open a Defined Custom Field (such as CUST01FV).

  4. Enter a Description, and then select a Format for the field.

  5. If you selected String, type the maximum number of characters in the Max Length field.

  6. If you selected DROPDOWN or DROPDOWN - Editable, complete the steps below to create a list of valid values for the field.

    • Click Add, type the value, and then press Enter.

    • Add additional options as required.

    • To remove an option, select the option, and then click Delete.

    • Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to set the display order for the options.

  7. If you selected Audit for the field format, the custom field will contain last-change information for the field ID you specify.

    • In the Audit Field field, type the field ID for which to display the last-change information. Enter numerals only. Do not include brackets or other extraneous characters.

    • Select one of the three Audit Data options to specify the type of last-change information to display.

  8. When finished, click OK.

To Create a User-Defined Custom Field ID:

  1. Click the New icon.

  2. Type the Field ID, and then complete the remaining fields as described above.

     When typing new field IDs, please consider that the Microsoft Word mail merge functionality has a limit of 40 characters for the length of a mail merge field. Any characters after the first 40 will be ignored. As a result, if a mail merge contains two fields which are identical in their first 40 characters, the merge will display the same value for both fields.