Trustee List

Use the Trustee List to create trustees with whom your company does business. Users can then select a trustee from this list when completing the Closing Vendor Information form.

To Create a Trustee:

  1. On the menu bar, click Encompass, and then click Settings. 

  2. On the left panel, clickLoan Setup, and then click Trustee List.

  3. On the Trustee List tool, click the New icon.

  4. On the Trustee Details window, enter the trustee name, address, and phone number.

    • Or click the Address Book icon to populate the information from your business contacts.

  5. In the Trust Date field, enter or select the date the trustee was incorporated.

  6. Select the state in which the trust does business, and then select the trust's organization type.

  7. Click Save.