Work with a User's LO Compensation Plans

This help topic discusses the tools available on the User Details window to work with LO compensation plans that have been assigned to a particular user. To work with all LO Compensation plans in the LO Compensation setting in Encompass Settings, refer to the Working with LO Compensation Plans help topic.

ClosedView LO Compensation Plan Details

  1. In the Organization/Users setting, open the user's User Details window, select the compensation plan from the list, and then click the Lookup (magnifying glass) icon.

    • You cannot change the values in the plan once it is assigned to the user.

  2. Click OK.

ClosedDelete an LO Compensation Plan

 You cannot delete an active plan that is currently assigned to the loan officer or organization.

  1. Open the user's User Details window, select the compensation plan from the list, and then click the Delete icon.

  2. Click Yes to proceed with the deletion.

  3. Click Save to save the changes on the User Details window or click OK to save the changes on the Organization Details window.

ClosedExport LO Compensation Plan Data to Excel

  • Click the Excel icon to export the compensation plan data to an Excel spreadsheet that you can save and refer to for audit purposes. The plan details (% Amount, $ Amount, Minimum $, Maximum $ amounts, Trigger Basis field, etc.) for each plan listed in the table are exported to the spreadsheet.

See Also

LO Compensation Settings

Assigning an LO Compensation Plan to a Loan Officer

Assigning an LO Compensation Plan to a Lender or Broker

LO Compensation Tool